Our Story

Restoration Purpose Church (AKA: Bailey Church of God) was organized Sept. 21, 1958 under Rev. Clem Deans who had earlier organized Midpoint Church (AKA: Middlesex Church of God).

Three of the earlier families with the Church were the Cummings, Joyner & Waddell families.

Through the years the Church has had several Pastors as earlier on most Pastors served a 2 to 4 year tenure. The Bailey Church of God has helped many young Pastors & Evangelists launch their ministry.

Additions were made to the original Church in 1977 & 1978. New Sunday School rooms and a Fellowship Hall were added at that time.

March 10, 2005 the Church purchased 7.3 acres of land from Tommy Stallings at the corner of Old Smithfield Road & 264 alt. for the current Church location. While the land was paid off in a fairly short period of time it would still be a while before actual building could begin. In the mean-time the Church put in a Community walking trail which has been used by many people.

During the Covid pandemic the property was used for open air tent services as well as “Drive-In” Church with people sitting in cars and trucks listening to the gospel. The Church proceeded at this time to construct a large Pavilion shelter. During the Spring, Summer & Fall of 2022 we were able to utilize the shelter for our regular services. During the Fall of 2022 we began construction of our new Church. The Church Board decided to go ahead and sell the old Church & parsonage to the Hispanic Church that had been using our Church for their worship services. The Administration Board for our Eastern State Office graciously consented for us to use one of the Conference Center’s auxiliary buildings for our services. We used this facility from early 2023 till the completion of the new Church.

Finally, March 31, 2024 (Easter Sunday) we were ready to begin worship in our new Sanctuary. With well over 250 in attendance, (probably the largest gathering we had ever had) it was a very emotional time as people worshiped and praised the Lord for all He had done.

Artist - Tiffany Eastes